Friday, March 23, 2007

Last Week of Classes

Busy week is an understatement. Death march is a nice word.

  • Monday, 19 March - Preparing for and attending an 1 - 7pm requirements gathering meeting in Makati. Cries of "This is MADNESS!!!" when boss leaves for a bit.
  • Tuesday, 20 March - Slept 3 hours to write summary of Monday's meeting. Last formal lecture day in school. Wrote a 40 pt CS 12 exam for Wednesday. 90% recycled from my UP Baguio exam (they wouldn't get leakage anyway)
  • Wednesday, 21 March - Slept 3 hours to finish writing exam. Had someone proctor so I could sneak off and get an hour's nap during the exam. Afternoon meeting in makati to discuss Tuesday's paper. Checked exams during lull hours.
  • Thursday, 22 March - Slept 5 hours (yay). Borrowed the car, meaning drove from Marikina to Manila to bring my mom to work, and then Manila to UP. Paper checking in the morning, MS Thesis defence panel at noon. Used the car to go out and buy my happy little laptop Haru-chan (talk about it next time). Afternoon MS thesis proposal defence panel. Round trip UP, Manila, Marikina for my mom. Logged nearly 60+km travel.
  • Friday, 23 March - Slept 3 hours. Some laptop setup (of course) but mostly checked papers. Hard core checking to deliver an exemption list for my students. Then document writing output of Wednesday's meeting. English 146 Final exam. Wrote in short concise sentences in large easy to read fonts (i know how hard it is to check essays). Breather in CS 12, had a Robocode tank battle competition. Evening, setup the lab for saturday's hands-on exam. It is 9:30 pm on a friday night waiting for my parents to drive me home. this sucks
  • Saturday, 24 March (planned) - 5 hours sleep, write problems for saturday's hands-on exam (thank goodness for PC^2, i can do checking on the fly). Prepare for requirements gathering meeting in munoz in the afternoon. Evening to write reports based on meeting.
  • Sunday, 25 March (planned) - try to get 7 hours sleep. Hopefully setup Virtual Hosts and Jahia autostart in JRDC network, Ruby on Rails on Student server, MySQL 5 and tomcat configuration on Solaris Server. Write CS 12 finals exam.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Murphy's Law 2007

The stuff they said about "things that can go wrong, will?" its true. Murphy's Law is real.

I've got a lab full of students cramming for their thesis. And this morning the internets go down.

Quick call to Bayantel. (Amazing fast service, just two hours after the phone in, they had people here!) They diagosed that the line coming in through the underground line was grounded, so by noon they installed a new wire from the telephone pole to the building.

And you know that its Murphy's Law acting when just 4 hours later, the line goes down again because the MMDA decide to trim branches off a few trees. O_o Augh!

Thanks to Bayantel, they were here, again, just two hours later to fix the problem (PLDT took 2 weeks according to my students when they used to be our DSL provider). Wow! So everything's back to normal (for now, dundunduuun)

No such luck to the NEC building thesis students. Rats chewed the fiber optic line. Its been two weeks already.
